Rosemary Essential Oil 10 ml

46 €
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Rosmarinus Officinalis (lat.) an energy-filled oil, its fragrance is capable of transporting you and providing enthusiasm and self-confidence. Rosemary is a purifying plant with an eminently sunny nature.

Rosemary is a plant native to the Mediterranean that is currently grown in many areas around Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and California. Its name comes from the Latin word “Rosmarinus” which means “Rose of the Sea”. In ancient Egypt, rosemary branches were burned with incense and placed on the bodies of deceased Pharaohs to help them seek out a new and better life. The Greeks dedicated rosemary to Apollo, the god of the sun, medicine, music, poetry and prophecies. It was sacred to the Romans, who considered it a symbol of loyalty, knowledge of death, remembrance and intelligence. It was also a symbol of love and friendship. Rosemary was believed to endow the power of concentration, activating the mind and encouraging memory.

Rosemary is a plant that brings good luck and protects against negative energy.

Our Rosemary Essential Oil, or Rosmarinus officinalis leaf oil, is obtained by steam distilling the leaves and flowering tops which contain beneficial properties for the body and mind.

Cosmetically, Rosemary essential oil has antibacterial, skin conditioning, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It was used in ancient times as an antiseptic, healing agent and tonic for the scalp. It helps soothe the skin, balance oily skin, balance the scalp and helps prevent hair loss.

Polarity: YANG

Usage mode: 
Use: Topical use. Perfume to be diluted in a carrier oil. Max. recommendation: 1% (facial use) and 3% (body use).

Cautions: Topical use. Avoid contact with your eyes and other sensitive areas. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor before using during pregnancy, breastfeeding or with any other medical treatments. Some essential oils are sensitive to light, so don’t expose skin to the sun after use. Store in a cool (<25ºC), dry place, away from light. Flammable.


ROSMARIIN eeterlik õli
Rosmarinus Officinalis

Kasutatud osa: taime lehed, lillelised otsad. Ekstraheerimismeetod: destilleerimine auruga.

Polaarsus: Yang.

Kosmeetilised omadused: Poore ahendav, elustav toonik, stimuleerib mikrotsirkulatsiooni, soodustab juuste kasvu ja uuenemist.

Raviomadused: puhitust vähendav, seedetrakti korrasatav, diureetikum, menstruaaltsükli korrastaja, maksa puhastaja, hüpertensioon, punetust esile kutsuv, stimulant, hingamist soodustav.

Psühholoogilised / emotsionaalsed omadused: elulise energia stimuleerimine, meeste afrodisiakum.

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