Patchouli essential oil 10 ml

53 €
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Patchouli Essential Oil, or Pogostemon cablin oil is an musky and amber essence. It has healing properties and provides energy and courage.

Plant native to Indonesia, Malaysia and India. It is extracted by distilling the dry leaves of the plant. 

Patchouli Essential Oil has multiple cosmetic properties: it is moisturising, healing, deodorising and invigorating. It aids in rejuvenating skin. It helps treat acne.

Polarity: YANG

Usage mode:
Use: Topical use. Perfume to be diluted in a carrier oil. Max. recommendation: 1% (facial use) and 3% (body use).

Cautions: Topical use. Avoid contact with your eyes and other sensitive areas. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor before using during pregnancy, breastfeeding or with any other medical treatments. Some essential oils are sensitive to light, so don’t expose skin to the sun after use. Store in a cool (<25ºC), dry place, away from light. Flammable.


PATŠULI eeterlik õli
Pogostemon cablin

Kasutatud osa: kuivatatud lehed. Ekstraheerimismeetod: destilleerimine auruga.

Polaarsus: Yang.

Kosmeetilised omadused: poore ahendav, taastav, deodoreeriva toimegaa toimega ja toonik.

Raviomadused: naha parandaja (haavad), diureetikum, põletiku vähendav, seenevastane, insektitsiid ja sedatiiv.

Psühholoogilised / emotsionaalsed omadused: afrodisiakum, sensuaalne aroom. Annab energiat, elujõudu ja selgust.

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