Clary Sage Essential Oil 10 ml

57 €
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Clary Sage Essential Oil, or Salvia sclarea oil, can transform you by invigorating you, providing energy and confidence to help endure day-to-day life. It provides women with “wisdom”.

The medicinal properties of Clary sage were well known by the Romans, who brought it to England. Its name comes from the Latin word “salvare” (to save). The Greeks also appreciated and used it. Dioscorides discovered its effectiveness as a liver remedy.

Cosmetically, Clary Sage Essential Oil has multiple properties: antiseptic, invigorating and deodorising. It is a powerful sebaceous regulator, circulatory tonic and it balances oily skin and hair.

Polarity: YIN

Usage mode: 
 Topical use. Perfume to be diluted in a carrier oil. Max. recommendation: 1% (facial use) and 3% (body use).

Use: Topical use. Avoid contact with your eyes and other sensitive areas. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor before using during pregnancy, breastfeeding or with any other medical treatments. Some essential oils are sensitive to light, so don’t expose skin to the sun after use. Store in a cool (<25ºC), dry place, away from light. Flammable.



Kasutatud osa: taime lehed, lillelised otsad. Ekstraheerimismeetod: destilleerimine auruga. Polaarsus: Yin.

Kosmeetilised omadused: toonik, deodoreeriva toimega, reguleerib rasu sekretsiooni, kortsudevastane.

Raviomadused: spasmolüütiline, menstruaaltsükli korrastaja, hüpotensiivne, rahusti, östrogeenne toime.

Psühholoogilised / emotsionaalsed omadused: antidepressant, lõõgastav, annab teadlikkust.

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