Myrrh Essential Oil 10 ml

60 €
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Myrrh Essential Oil, or Commiphora Myrrha, contains antioxidant properties and is highly effective in anti-ageing blends.

People have known about Myrrh since antiquity, as it was one of the ingredients used by Ancient Egyptians during religious ceremonies. It was also one of the components in the famous Egyptian perfume “kyphi”, and was used in the embalming process.

Its antioxidant properties were already known back then because Egyptian women regularly used it in their cosmetic products. Its skin refreshing properties also make it suitable to use in hot and dry climates. In the Jewish tradition, myrrh was one of the three gifts that the Three Wise Men, brought to the birth of Christ. 

Cosmetically, it acts as a moisturiser, antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory. What’s more, it has invigorating and dermopurifying properties. It protects the nails and is perfect for mature skin and greasy hair.

Polarity: YANG

Usage mode: Use: Topical use. Perfume to be diluted in a carrier oil. Max. recommendation: 1% (facial use) and 3% (body use).

Cautions: Topical use. Avoid contact with your eyes and other sensitive areas. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor before using during pregnancy, breastfeeding or with any other medical treatments. Some essential oils are sensitive to light, so don’t expose skin to the sun after use. Store in a cool (<25ºC), dry place, away from light. Flammable.


Commiphora Myrrha

Kasutatud osa: vaik või kummi.
Ekstraheerimismeetod: destilleerimine auruga.
Polaarsus: Yang.

Kosmeetilised omadused: pinguldav, naha taastaja, toonik, vananemist ennetav, kortsudevastane.

Raviomadused: katarraalne, põletikuvastane, antimikroobne, sedatiivne, puhitust vähendav, menstruaaltsükli korrastav, naha tervendav, rögalahtistav ja seedetrakti korrastav. 

Psühholoogilised / emotsionaalsed omadused: tõstab teadvust ja tagab vaimse tasakaalu.

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