Geranium Essential Oil 10 ml

57 €
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Geranium Essential Oil, or Pelargonium graveolens, extracted from the plant’s leaves and stem, is one of the most prestigious oils around the world thanks to its powerful properties. It helps shape the bust and contributes to slimming treatments.

The geranium plant comes from South Africa and was first mentioned in Europe in 1690. The Essential Oil is extracted from the leaves and stem of the plant. There are more than 200 varieties of geraniums or pelargoniums, but very few varieties are used for extracting the essential oil. This oil is obtained from geraniums from countries such as Egypt, Reunion Island, or China.

The Egyptian geranium us one of the most prestigious around the world is known for its properties.

At ALQVIMIA, we associate the Geranium with women’s power and the Archetype of the Goddess Athena: the goddess of wisdom and feminine action who plans and executes with her heart, but also with a helmet, armour and spear.

Geranium Essential Oil strengthens balance and aids in creating a good mood and joy.

At a cosmetic level, Geranium Essential Oil is ideal for cleaning the skin, it is a powerful detoxifier, it is able to firm the bust, it is moisturising, combats cellulite, and aids in hindering fluid retention and the appearance of varicose veins. It regulates sebaceous secretions in combination/oily skin. It has an astringent and anti-dandruff effect.

Polarity: YIN

Origin: Egypt

Usage mode: Use: Topical use. Perfume to be diluted in a carrier oil. Max. recommendation: 1% (facial use) and 3% (body use).

Cautions: Topical use. Avoid contact with your eyes and other sensitive areas. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor before using during pregnancy, breastfeeding or with any other medical treatments. Some essential oils are sensitive to light, so don’t expose skin to the sun after use. Store in a cool (<25ºC), dry place, away from light. Flammable.



Kasutatud osa:
lehed, lilled, varred. Ekstraheerimismeetod: destilleerimine auruga. Polaarsus: Yin.

Kosmeetilised omadused: pinguldav, regenereeriv, kaalu alandav, deodoreeriva toimega ja tooniseeriv.

Raviomadused: diureetiline ja tsütofülaktiline toime. Östrogeenne toime.

Psühholoogilised / emotsionaalsed omadused: tugevdab naiselikku enesehinnangut.

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