450 €
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Celestine has been familiar to mankind since it was found in Sicily in the 18th century . The minreal got its name due to the pale blue colour. Also this name is given to Italians, then the word takes the meaning "messenger of the Most High, angel". Among the features of celestine is not only the variety of colour palette, but also the ability to glow. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the stone begins to fluoresce, and in sunlight — to shine brightly.

Celestine, from the Latin "caelestis", denotes a heavenly, divine.

Healing properties
It normalizes blood pressure in hypotension and hypertension, helps to improve blood supply , restoring the capacity of blood vessels, eases the condition of rheumatic pain. The properties of the mineral help restore vision and recover after sever diseases and surgical interventions.

Magical properties
Among the magical properties of celestine are the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to make the right choice. The person will find that his intuition has been greatly strengthened. Celestine awakes hidden opportunities and potential, make a person more eloquent, eliminating the fear of performing in front of the public. To maximize these qualities, it is necessary to ensure daily contact with celestine.

The mineral restores karmic holes. It is able to patch holes in the aura , as well as in the energy field of a person, so that the owner will have more strength. The influence of others on his self-esteem will decrease.

Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces

Chakra: Anahata

Weight 47 kg


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