69 €
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Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) is a treatment that uses low frequency sinusoidal sounds in combination with music or natural sounds for therapeutic purposes. The most general goal is to provide the client with deep relaxation that helps to regulate breathing, reduce anxiety, stress and pain, relieve mental and physical strain, improve mental clarity and increase well-being.

This VAT session is performed on a device from a renowned Norwegian company Multivib, and verbal guidance for relaxation is added to enrich the process. Sessions are carried out in a comfortable lying position with clothes on and without direct skin-to-skin touch. Before and after the impact of VAT, there is a conversation to set goals and reflect on the session.

Please remind yourself that though VAT is very gentle to the body, there are some contraindications to the treatment: acute inflammation, pacemaker and cardiac arrhythmia, severe hypertension, risk of thrombosis, gastric ulcers, open wound, gall-, kidney-, bladder stones and -sand, and pregnancy.


Meil on nii hea meel teatada uhiuuest koostööst @vibroakust.teraapia.stuudio ja Iduna Õunad Imede Galerii @idunapples vahel. 

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