Facial Toner Orange Blossom water 100 ml

36 €
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Orange Blossom Water is an ideal tonic for sensitive and oily skins due to its soothing, moisturising and protective properties.

Orange Blossom Water is a facial tonic specially designed for the most sensitive and oily skins due to its toning, soothing, moisturising and protective properties. It’s also ideal for men, as an after-shave tonic.

The fragrance of Orange Blossom Water inspires sensuality and optimism, evoking a warm spring-time stroll down the streets of ancient Sevilla. The orange blossom is an Asian legacy which reached our society in the Middle Ages through the Arab culture and quickly became a powerful cosmetic elixir. A treasure in the form of pure little white flowers introduced to nobility thanks to the passion it awakened in the Italian Princess from Nerola, it is able to refresh the skin, toning and soothing our spirit.

Polarity: YIN

Use: Apply day and night after cleansing your skin. Spray the product over the face, skin and neckline and rub it in lightly with your fingertips. Afterwards, protect your skin with the cream or serum that best suits your needs.

Cautions: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct light.

Apelsiniõieveega näotoonik
Valmistatud kvaliteetseimast apelsiniõieveest, mis on saadud Marokost pärineva mõruapelsini värskete õite auruga destilleerimisel. Sobib eelkõige tundlikule nahale. Niisutab, taastab ja toniseerib, lisaks on sellel märkimisväärne nahka reguleeriv toime. Ettevaatusabinõud: hoida jahedas ja kuivas, valguse eest kaitstud kohas.

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